
James Jennings

您知道如何在洗衣机中节约用水吗? 通过在日常生活中采取一些措施,可以减少洗衣机的耗水量或将洗衣机用水重新用于其他用途。





  • 容量不超过10公斤的洗衣机:每个循环的平均耗水量不超过135升;
  • 容量为11公斤至12公斤的洗衣机:每个洗衣周期的平均耗电量可达168升;
  • 17公斤以下洗衣机:每个循环平均耗水量可达197升。

现在,一些洗衣机型号具有经济循环功能,可优化耗电量。 购买前应进行研究。


手洗衣物是否经济实惠 如果您有大量衣物,答案是否定的。


因此,请考虑一下:如果衣物只是局部污垢,您只需在水龙头下用少量肥皂快速擦洗即可去除,那么手洗更为经济。 如果您需要洗大量衣物,那么洗衣机是最佳选择。

See_also: 如何去除衣服上的汗味


  • 选择与家庭人口数量相适应的洗衣机,过大的洗衣机对人数过少的家庭而言可能会导致用水量超标,而过小的洗衣机对家庭而言则会导致洗涤次数增多,从而增加用水量。
  • 技术可以成为经济的盟友。 有些洗衣机型号能够在洗涤周期开始时对衣物进行称重,并调整所需水量,从而避免浪费。 这对您的洗衣工作来说是一个不错的选择。
  • 如果您的洗衣机没有调节水位的称重功能,请让衣物在篮筐中积聚,直到 达到洗涤程序中指示的重量。
  • 除了按颜色分类外(大多数人已经这样做了),另一个建议是按脏污程度分类。 不太脏的衣服可以用更经济的循环洗涤。
  • 如果某些衣物需要浸泡,请在开始机洗前将其放入桶中浸泡。 这样可减少每个循环的耗电量。
  • 不要使用过多的肥皂和柔顺剂,这样可以减少每次循环所需的漂洗次数。



See_also: 如何用6个步骤清洁石膏板天花板

将洗衣机的排水管出口放入一个大桶中(注意不要溢出)。 这些水可用来清洁庭院、车道和室外区域,减少浪费。

James Jennings
James Jennings
Jeremy Cruz is a renowned author, expert, and enthusiast who has dedicated his career to the art of cleaning. With an undeniable passion for spotless spaces, Jeremy has become a go-to source for cleaning tips, lessons, and life hacks. Through his blog, he aims to simplify the cleaning process and empower individuals to transform their homes into sparkling havens. Drawing from his extensive experience and knowledge, Jeremy shares practical advice on decluttering, organizing, and creating efficient cleaning routines. His expertise also extends to eco-friendly cleaning solutions, offering readers sustainable alternatives that prioritize both cleanliness and environmental conservation. Alongside his informative articles, Jeremy provides engaging content that explores the importance of maintaining a clean environment and the positive impact it can have on overall well-being. Through his relatable storytelling and relatable anecdotes, he connects with readers on a personal level, making cleaning an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With a growing community inspired by his insights, Jeremy Cruz continues to be a trusted voice in the world of cleaning, transforming homes and lives one blog post at a time.