
James Jennings

到了冬天,衣柜里的大衣、羊毛衫和围巾就该拿出来了。 在保存和清洁某些较厚的衣物时,有些注意事项很重要。 看看都有哪些:

羊毛衣物:用您喜欢的液体洗涤剂手洗羊毛衣物。 您可以选择Tixan Ypê、Ypê Power Act或传统肥皂。 无论选择哪种洗涤剂,请务必遵守衣物标签上的洗涤指南。 某些类型的羊毛针织品在用热水洗涤时可能会缩水。

晾晒时,不要将羊毛衫和大衣挂在晾衣绳上,因为它们容易变形。 应将衣物平铺在阴凉处。

See_also: 钩织衣物的保养和维护技巧

皮革 皮革服装非常娇贵,应存放在衣架上,最好放在密闭的罩子里,因为光线和湿度会改变服装的颜色。 应优先选择合成皮革,因为它们更亲近自然。

See_also: 家庭植物:您需要了解的知识


一旦您觉得有必要穿厚一点的衣服,就把它们从衣柜里拿出来,放在外面吹吹风、晒晒太阳。 这样可以减缓衣服在衣柜里存放时间过长而产生的异味。


全新Ypê Essential浓缩衣物柔顺剂采用胶束处理技术,可深入呵护织物纤维。



James Jennings
James Jennings
Jeremy Cruz is a renowned author, expert, and enthusiast who has dedicated his career to the art of cleaning. With an undeniable passion for spotless spaces, Jeremy has become a go-to source for cleaning tips, lessons, and life hacks. Through his blog, he aims to simplify the cleaning process and empower individuals to transform their homes into sparkling havens. Drawing from his extensive experience and knowledge, Jeremy shares practical advice on decluttering, organizing, and creating efficient cleaning routines. His expertise also extends to eco-friendly cleaning solutions, offering readers sustainable alternatives that prioritize both cleanliness and environmental conservation. Alongside his informative articles, Jeremy provides engaging content that explores the importance of maintaining a clean environment and the positive impact it can have on overall well-being. Through his relatable storytelling and relatable anecdotes, he connects with readers on a personal level, making cleaning an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With a growing community inspired by his insights, Jeremy Cruz continues to be a trusted voice in the world of cleaning, transforming homes and lives one blog post at a time.