
James Jennings

在家中种植新鲜蔬菜比您想象的要简单得多。 按照以下提示,您就会发现在家中开辟菜园是多么容易。

See_also: 如何清扫房屋?

与您想象的不同,在家里种植菜园并不复杂。 只要有一点创意就可以了。 菜园是健康和均衡饮食的代名词,此外还能为家庭带来更多绿色,是装饰的好帮手。 利用家里的空闲时间开始种植菜园吧!

1 - 选择位置

对于植物的生长来说,每天有几个小时的阳光直射是非常重要的,这可以是阳台或窗户。 如果您有更多的空间,如花园或后院,也可以利用这些空间。 选择好地点后,下一步就是选择植物生长的地方:

See_also: 如何清洁水族箱:一步一步安全有效地进行检查
  • 直接埋入地下:如果您有花园,这是一个很好的选择,这样可以将选择的种子和幼苗直接埋入地下;
  • 花瓶:这是最常见的选择,有不同的尺寸和形状可供选择;
  • 可回收包装:这是一种可持续发展且经济实惠的选择。 您可以使用塑料、金属或玻璃包装,并根据自己的喜好进行装饰;
  • 垂直菜园:对于那些没有太多空间的人来说,垂直菜园是一个不错的选择,而且还能与装饰相得益彰。

2 - 种植什么

选择好地点后,就可以将种子和幼苗分开培育了。 首先,您可以选择香料,它们很容易种植,而且不需要太大的空间。 薄荷、罗勒、欧芹、韭菜、迷迭香和牛至都是很好的选择。 这些香草在家居中心和花店很容易找到。 如果您有更多的空间,您可以选择蔬菜。如生菜、卷心菜和樱桃番茄。

3 - 如何护理

选择并栽种好树苗后,必须对其进行养护,使其健康成长。 因此,要保持浇水频率,使用有机杀虫剂防治可能出现的虫害,并始终保持土壤肥沃。

James Jennings
James Jennings
Jeremy Cruz is a renowned author, expert, and enthusiast who has dedicated his career to the art of cleaning. With an undeniable passion for spotless spaces, Jeremy has become a go-to source for cleaning tips, lessons, and life hacks. Through his blog, he aims to simplify the cleaning process and empower individuals to transform their homes into sparkling havens. Drawing from his extensive experience and knowledge, Jeremy shares practical advice on decluttering, organizing, and creating efficient cleaning routines. His expertise also extends to eco-friendly cleaning solutions, offering readers sustainable alternatives that prioritize both cleanliness and environmental conservation. Alongside his informative articles, Jeremy provides engaging content that explores the importance of maintaining a clean environment and the positive impact it can have on overall well-being. Through his relatable storytelling and relatable anecdotes, he connects with readers on a personal level, making cleaning an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With a growing community inspired by his insights, Jeremy Cruz continues to be a trusted voice in the world of cleaning, transforming homes and lives one blog post at a time.